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Saturday, 30 June 2012

30th June 12 - The Brecks

Another excellent tour today starting with a Barn Owl from the car, then brief views of 2 GOLDEN ORIOLES, the adult male and probable female, also Water Rail (h), a fresh juvenile Marsh Harrier just on the wing, 2 Bitterns in flight, Cetti's Warbler (h) & Bearded Tit. Then back at the wood more views of the ORIOLES, this time much better and prolonged views and even tending to a half built nest also a Cuckoo (h). Unfortuantely photos were harder to come by today. I did manage a headless shot of the male!

After lunch at various sites we saw male Firecrest, Blackcap, Kingfisher, 3-4 Tree Pipits and 3 STONE CURLEWS.

Friday, 29 June 2012

29 June 12 - Cley area

A very windy tour produced, 2 Bearded Tits, c100 Black-tailed Godwits, Knot, the Sacred Ibis of unknown origin, 2 very nice Spotted Redshanks in full summer plumage, Cetti's Warbler(h), Little Terns fishing offshore, Stonechat, Greenshank, Water Rail(h), c5 Ruff, 7 SPOONBILLS around the reserve, 2 first summer Little Gulls & 2 Little Ringed Plovers.
Moving on to Stiffkey fen we saw 2 LRP's, 3 Green Sandpipers and an adult Mediterranean Gull.

Monday, 25 June 2012

24th June - The Brecks

After a long morning of wind, rain and frustration we were treated to superb prolonged views of 3 GOLDEN ORIOLES, what looks like an adult male and 2 young males, though there is still hope one is a female ! The green bird I saw well looked heavily streaked underneath, indicating a juvenile male. While at Lakenheath we also saw Hobby, Grasshopper Warbler (h), Cuckoo, Sparrowhawk, Garden Warbler, Treecreeper, a Red Kite over and brief flight views of a Bittern. Moving on to a couple of other spots we had a male Firecrest + another heard, 2 Tree Pipits song flighting, 3 STONE CURLEWS and a Tree Sparrow.
One of the group also found a new friend !