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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

15th August 12 - Cley & Blakeney point

Cley reserve produced 5 Spoonbills, Garganey and a good selection of waders, 22 species were seen or heard including Greenshank, both Godwits, 2 Little Stints, 50+ Ruff, LRP and Wood Sandpiper.

After the tour I headed out to blakeney point with a birding mate, the forecast had looked promising with SE winds and a band of rain coming, anticipation was in the air! We weren't to be disappointed with two good self found birds.

We saw a Hobby trying to catch meadow Pipits and a Whinchat fairly quickly, past the boat wreck we flushed a BARRED WARBLER which was nice, it only showed in flight a few more times but was readily identifiable, reaching half way house we saw the first of 6 Pied Flycatchers, a lovely bright Redstart, wheatear and Garden Warbler (nice comparison for the earlier Barred). Reaching Yankee ridge we had a juvenile Black Tern come in off the sea and head into the harbour, also the first of at least 10 willow warblers. Moving on and a WRYNECK appeared from nowhere and flew past us and away, we followed it back to yankee ridge where we had some more good flight views. The plantation was quiet with just one pied fly. Heading back we saw a Reed Warbler creeping around in the sueda at the hood which quickened the heart rate briefly, also of note 2 Painted Ladies.

After 7-8 miles of walking on shingle we were back at the beach car park by 9pm tired but happy! Now I remember why I rarely walk out to Blakeney point !

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